It takes the same energy to grow the food we throw away

An incredible 40% of the food we produce, globally, is thrown away. We believe it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep as much of that energy as possible in the food chain.
Talk to us about getting the optimum Energy Recovery from your Food Waste.

What makes our solutions different?

  • Higher Energy Recovery
  • Organic Protein/Valuable Products
  • Carbon Offsetting
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Zero Impact Process

Who can we help?

  • Farmers
  • Food Processers
  • Food Retailers
  • Councils
  • Work with Food Supply Chain Partners to address Scope 3 Emissions

How we recover Energy from Food Waste,depends on how it’s classified

Post-Consumer Food Waste

Post-Consumer Food Waste has no additional value, within the Human Food Chain, than the organic portion of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste).

Council Food Waste

OWMS believes that levels of pollutants will be higher than predicted, creating additional Recycling obstacle.

TIP: An easy rule of thumb for Pre-Consumer Food Waste is food that has never been served to someone

Pre-Consumer Food Waste
‘Clean’ Organic Waste

OWMS believes that the best way to recover energy from Clean Organics, is to recycle the nutrients, directly back into the Food Chain: