Together, we can turn your waste around
Food Supply Chains are facing significant challenges from Net Zero regulations. All stakeholders are affected, by addressing the issue together, can we turn the challenges into opportunities
Food Supply Chains are facing significant challenges from Net Zero regulations. All stakeholders are affected, by addressing the issue together, can we turn the challenges into opportunities
The demands of new Net-Zero regulations have made traditional management of farm waste unfeasible. OWMS addresses all key Carbon Reduction X-Factors in Agriculture.
Talk to us about what we can do give your waste value again – while helping produce Lower Carbon Livestock & Produce.
Aside from direct Food Waste Emissions from processing, corporations are now being held responsible for emissions throughout the Supply Chain.
We can work with you and your suppliers to valorise waste & address emissions - throughout your supply chain.
Most out-of-date food is unsuitable for Foodbanks, and contains high levels of packaging contamination, making it hard to manage. This, coupled with Food Waste’s high GHG emissions, and End-of-Life Emissions impact Scope 3 Emissions for other members of your supply chain, means what how you manage your waste has a big impact.
Let’s see what we can do, together – to reduce your Waste Footprint and support your Supply Chain
Many Councils are already struggling to meet Landfill obligations – and simply do not have an adequate solution to meet ever-growing Emissions Reduction Targets. And, uncertainty about new Food Waste collection makes planning even more difficult.
OWMS can work with you, and your local Waste Management service provider to turn Organic Waste Problems into profitable, Sustainable Solutions – while meeting Net-Zero Objectives & stimulating your local economy.